Not many people know about this, because, well, I've been embarrassed to admit the ambition of some of the things on this List. Yes, List. not list, because it's important to me. But I was told, "Shame is a wasted emotion," so here goes. My List, for the whole world to see and judge me by: 1. Make moleskine notebooks 2. Farewell gifts for friends 3. The Project Airship: sky-high study centre cum readery 4. Flash mob at Prozone in shorts invalid 5. Sleepovers 6. Blog 7. Youtube channel (URL: 8. Help people of Padali 9. Get back in shape - strong is the new skinny 10. Comic bottles, bookmarks 11. Design graphic tees 12. Sell fashion collection 13. Make Aurangabad skirt-safe 14. "Gift your baby girl a toy car" campaign 15. Break gender stereotypes: ride a motorcycle, wear guy clothes, no more tight pants!! 16. "Have a baby, plant a tree" campaign 17. Picnic in a tree 18. End the Barbie, cel...