April 26, 2014
A quick disclaimer before I begin: I HAVE NOT BEEN PAID TO DO THIS Now. In my family, a sizeable chunk of conversation revolves around the book(s) each one of us is reading. For instance, my father hooked us onto The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande a few months back. (http://atulgawande.com/book/the-checklist-manifesto/) It's amazing! For instance, Dr. Gawande draws similarities between ER surgeons and rock stars based on their all-important time-saving resource-saving practical and all-encompassing checklists. It grips you from the first page. Dr. Gawande narrates a real-life ER incidence when a Halloween party gone woefully wrong reulted in a youth being stabbed in the stomach. the doctors fixed him up, or so they thought, until complicatins arose. so they wondered what went wrong, when they realized nobody asked the patient what he got stabbed with. A simple human error - easily prevented by the use of a checklist. Hence my List. (http://themysticalunicorn.blogspot.in...