Food poisoning: 3rd time :S
Hello my lovelies :) It's time for a life update! This week has been eventful - I got sick, went to the hospital, rested, attended class and practice and on more than one occasion convinced myself I'm either clinically insane or dying of stomach cancer. Mercifully, I am neither. Sunday evening was a time of indulgence, with chaat and TV, before yet another stressful week of college, but it took a nasty turn when I got violently sick, vomiting multiple times, the last time, with blood. The next day, my roommate took me to the hospital, where I saw the inside of an Emergency Room for the first time in my life. I was underwhelmed. It was sluggish and siesta-paced, until the doctors told me they'd have to insert a tube into my stomach to check for bleeding. I thought I could take it. However what I didn't know was that he tube would go down my nose. I had to swallow down nearly 2 feet of plastic tube, retching pathetically all the way. Fun times :| I admit there w...