angsty breakup post

April 2018

It's been a tough few days, weeks, months, year(s?) since I
found you and started losing you before I even had you I've
gotten sicker and heavier and heavier and heavier and most days I
can't tell sadness and gravity apart
I've let bottles of cheap alcohol and boxes of menthol cigarettes come and go
before I could let you go
let us go
Let me go you bitch 

February 2018

Do I miss you or the feelings? Fuzzy ones, warm ones, like my grey socks but not grey - actually, give me the grey I'd rather not feel anything at all than the deep and unrelenting sadness of being alive

Figures, grey is your favorite color.


March 2018

Why do I keep coming back to you like a stuck anchor? You're still my only point of reference I know nothing else and I can't progress, like driving 8030 km with the handbrake on-
I made it, but does anything work anymore? 

January 2018

I'm still here in these grey sheets I bought to remind me of you so of course they fucking do but also
the whole fucking world is grey so how am I supposed to escape you
You are the sadness, my illness, my greatest fuck up ("I am the fuck up hold me" yes please thank you and I'm sorry)
You are the alpha and Omega, trigger, enabler, demon
Love of my fucking life
Why is grey your favorite color anyway? Are you in therapy yet? Are you going to cheat on her too?


April 2017

Why didn't you tell me you were unhappy? How long did you let me brush it off as logistics? "Ladies and gentlemen, we're having some technical problems, I'm leaving the country and my lovely goyfriend here is an utter failure of communication; good luck to us. Not to worry, please enjoy the glittery eyes and chocolate voice of Ned Caroline oh by the way honeybun we can no longer be each other's emotional crutches no worries though come on closer boys and girls it's wonderful down(hill from) here, quite a show..." 

I've been free falling since 8 May, 2017

The voice in my head has been a soundless scream into the void but you were so used to yours you asked me to move on

December(;)January(;)half of April(;)most of May later, I have. 

// now all the grey left is only the shadows reminding me where the light is


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