Don't get excited because everything fails
This week I shall wallow in undeserved self-pity about my bad luck, poor timing and general misfortune.
So I just wrote a beautiful philosophical article on the importance of not eating on the bed and the lessons you learn in PG-life and how, more often than you'd like, your mom is right. Turns out, your dad is also right, and you should save your work every time you get up, even if it's just to pee, because I've just lost that article. It is now in the abyss, in the void, among unpublished blog posts that never saw the light because the person who wrote them wasn't paying attention (unlike me. I only went downstairs to receive a care package from home that contained the two dry fruits that I despise, in insanely large quantities.) Let me document this fail weekend in my life:
Friday night to Saturday morning: some time in my sleep, I was bitten by a red ant in the eye region, resulting in a very attractive blue-lipped, pale-faced, slightly loopy, partly-homeless-partly-drowning child appearance for two days that has only reduced to sleepy-eyes puffiness that will unfortunately only increase in the night.
Saturday: had a completely pointless day in college where I did not learn anything.
Saturday night: lost one member of class Group Western Acoustics (GWA) team to circumstantial absence. Silver lining: worked out parts for remaining members for Western acoustics after dumbing down set list.
Sunday morning: forgot laundry in washing machine. Realized I hadn't, in fact, sent my articles for newsletter (assignment) on Saturday night like I thought I had.
Sunday afternoon: sent articles to classmate, began to practice parts for GWA. Began to write deep introspective piece on ant-bite incident. Was informed of removal of sole leverage in set list for GWA. Lost article to basic technological lapse.
Sunday evening: received (mentioned) care package from hell. Realized loss of article. Lost hope in mankind. Still had to upload an article for the week so here it is.
Oh and did I mention this is day 6 of my phonelessness since I lost it on Monday. Good night, humans. Life is difficult.
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