
They say you need to love yourself before you can love another
My Warrior Princess of Badassery
Two similar pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
never fit just right with each other
And if you and I are similarly odd
similarly flat
similarly skinny little pieces of a puzzle
in hobo pants, war paint and Samurai hair
At least I know that we are
slightly banged up
irregular pieces of the same puzzle.
And I love you regardless -
I am almost glad I can't not.
"It is hard to stop loving the ocean"
"It is hard to stop loving the ocean"
I've washed you out of the clothes I took back from your apartment
But the smell still lingers
In the air
You still linger
In the breeze in my hair
In that canvas still bare
In the colors I do not wear
Your love is a sweet vortex
and I'm free falling out of reality
I speak my honest lies
As long as we can keep up the pretense
your glitter laugh is my momentary truth
sweet pirate-breath pixie
I was not made for winter -
I was not made for your song and dance
For love, and sparkly lights,
And warmth in the eyes of a boy.
I was not made to withstand fire and ice
Virtue and base, unapologetic vice
And laughter that sounds like glitter
I was not made prepared
for quiet nights in your arms
Or the way you cooked your eggs
This summer child was not made for
for quiet nights in your arms
Or the way you cooked your eggs
This summer child was not made for
Cold eyes.
Cold feet.
Iced whiskey
White bathroom lights and tiled floors
Wet footprints from where you stood with your arms around me
My hair warming my neck
Your heart heating my face
Frosty fingers
Numb toes
Cold noses touching in the night.
Honey it smells like you and I stop in my tracks
Blink hard and try to see where I am
Iced whiskey
White bathroom lights and tiled floors
Wet footprints from where you stood with your arms around me
My hair warming my neck
Your heart heating my face
Frosty fingers
Numb toes
Cold noses touching in the night.
Honey it smells like you and I stop in my tracks
Blink hard and try to see where I am
Breathe in deep and go looking for the smell
That stopped my heart - I know I'm going to hell
But the only thing I still like about you is your perfume
Lunch, sweet kissing and glasses of wine
I see you and I feel just about nothing
But if it smells like you I know I'm in trouble
That stopped my heart - I know I'm going to hell
But the only thing I still like about you is your perfume
When it smells like you I think of all that you'd do
Your pretty eyes and the way they'd look into mineLunch, sweet kissing and glasses of wine
I see you and I feel just about nothing
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